Smoke House roof of 1719 Herr House Museum repaired through grant from the Rotary Club of Lancaster South.
The Heine Weber Smoke House which is located on the grounds of the 1719 Herr House Museum, has been in need of a new roof. Thanks to a grant from the Rotary Club of Lancaster South, the smoke house now has that new roof. The smoke house is an integral part of the museum, providing visitors with the experience of an important element of food preservation in the 18th century. Smoking pork shoulders, hams and bacon was an effective way of preserving meat for families who could afford to do so. During the annual Maize and Snitz Festival each October, the smokehouse is opened up and visitors can see and learn about the process of smoking meat. The 1719 Herr House, built in that year by Christian and Anna Herr, is the oldest surviving house in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It is the oldest original Mennonite meeting house still standing in the Western Hemisphere. The repair work was completed by Ashlin Woods Carpentry, Inc. The grant was a joint contribution from the Rotary Club of Lancaster South and Rotary District 7390.