Holly Grube, a freshman at Solanco High School, has been selected as Lancaster South Rotary Club’s Student of the Month for April, 2021.  She was presented to the club at its virtual meeting by Scott Long, Principal of Solanco High School.
Holly is the daughter of Joel and Amy Grube of New Providence.                   
Holly is a member of Student Senate and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  She plays travel softball and for the High School team.  In Middle School, Holly was recognized as an outstanding athlete and student in science, computer technology, broadcasting technology, mathematics and English.
In the community, Holly attends youth group at her church.      
In her spare time, Holly enjoys playing the piano and softball, staying healthy and spending time with her family and friends.
Holly’s future plans include going to college and playing softball.      
Ashley Maeda, a sophomore at Solanco High School, has been selected as Lancaster South Rotary Club’s Student of the Month for April, 2021.  She was presented to the club at its virtual meeting by Scott Long, Principal of Solanco High School.
Ashley is the daughter of Matias and Marili Maeda of New Providence.                   
Ashley is a member of Link Crew (a transition program designed to help acclimate freshman to high school), and was recognized with a Yearbook award while in Middle School.  In the community, Ashley attends youth group at her church and works at BBs Grocery Outlet.    
In her spare time, Ashley enjoys biking, walking, outdoor activities and spending time with her family and friends.
Ashley’s future plans include going to college for dentistry and traveling. 
To watch a video of the two students click here
Student of the Month is selected on the basis of academic excellence as well as school and community service.